Sunday, February 7, 2010

Calling nurse Julie

Monday night at 10:00 p.m. I got a call From Dad asking us to stay over because my step mom was having skin cancer spots taken off her nose at Huntsman, so I graciously said no problem and ran around like a freak trying to put my house back together after a 10 hour work day. Couldn't vacuum or change sheets since everyone else was sleeping so I finally hit the sack myself. I had decided that maybe from time to time it's OK for guests to come stay, you realize that you have no sheets that haven't been scribbled on with a marker from an 18 month old. How embarrassing! Along with the house that really is not so clean. I strut along to work from 9-6 and my family is meeting me here to go to a viewing. Our dear family friend Melanie lost her husband to cancer (CANCER SUCKS) and your in our thoughts and prayers Mel. So I leave my wonderful husband to tend and care for the kids and the parents! The next two days were taking care of LaDawn and of course clients, kids, husband, and a dog. All in about that order, I have been soo busy! If anyone could see what they had to do to her it would make anyone stay out of the sun! To top off the week Paisley got the Flu on Sat. and was throwing up every 15 min. for the last 8 hours. Arrrrrrg......I hate the pukes!

1 comment:

  1. The kids are growing up so fast it seems like yestarday that Nick and Kennedy couldnt get enough of each other and them running back and forth between our houses and thoes warm summer days when we would sit outside and just talk all day. You have been such a wonderful friend to me. And when I was down you were there for me thank you so much. Miss you guys.!!!
