We woke up this morning and the week was pretty much going as usual, I actually thought I might not have much to blog about this week. Boy, was I wrong? Not 5 minutes after I told Cole that I thought that we needed to make a goal for things that needed to be finished by the end of the day, we were not going to sleep until the list was complete. Paisley, the little helper that she is thought she would sweep up Kennedy's new room. All I saw from the mirror was her turning around, broomstick in the mouth hitting the exercise bike and she fell. Screaming didn't come far behind...I grabbed her and headed to the bathroom and noticed she sliced her lip up so as I was holding her applying pressure about 3 min. later up came the pukes, and it was pure BLOOD! Not my proudest moment I started to freak and shouting for Cole. He didn't really like it either, he told me later that it was a little different seeing it coming from your baby girl and not one of the guys from work. We called the pediatrician and they told us to head to primary's. She didn't really love it there with them probing inside of her mouth every 10 min., she hated the name tag on but thought a while later that two binkies just might make her feel better. Two and a half hours later we got to come home and we just get to let it heal, Tylenol and Motrin should help with the pain. What about codeine or something? If not for Paisley, what about for me and Cole that have to listen to her cry about it! The punching bag thing in the back of the throat (we are not using the real name for it because I think it sounds like something else) was pretty cut up and the roof of her mouth looks a little like hamburger, so here is hoping for some sleep tonight!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
As if I don't do enough hair...
Last Sunday the girls wanted their dolls to get their hair done so I said sure, I just didn't know that they had planned with their dolls that I would be doing the hair. They both wanted curly do's so I sat down and wrapped them up in perm rollers. They sat all day in the sun and when we took it out, it barely worked! Stupid doll hair anyway! Definitely the hair and not the operator, right?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Cole's 35th birthday
My first thought the morning of his birthday was.....We really are almost MIDDLE age? How the h*^! did this happen? I just can't believe it, I don't feel like we are getting older it's just that everyone younger than us is just starting to catch up. Hope I still feel like this at 70! I bought Cole the P90x workout and the girls gave him t-shirts, a hat, work boots and a pillow. Cole had to work but decided that he wanted to eat Chocolate pie and get Panda Express take out for his birthday. Much to my dislike, I wanted to go to a restaurant and eat but the thought of that is a a nightmare for him . I should just be happy that he didn't want me to cook him a meal! So off to Panda I go and we get home to no Orange Chicken in the box that we had waited for...annoying!!! Cole called and I went back today and got what they forgot. I think overall it was a good birthday, he didn't go into cardiac arrest or anything! Friday night we had the Hansen's over and had a great time with our friends, sorry that Bella had the flu. We missed you guys. Hope you liked the brownie cheesecake that we delivered to your door! Now just one more party to attend to, Roz's house on Sunday. What a crazy week!
Kennedy's Abscessed tooth
Tuesday morning we had to take Kennedy to the Dentist to get her Molar tooth pulled because it had Abscessed in December. I am such an idiot....I really thought she kept getting a canker over and over again. I would pull out the q-tips and the hydrogen peroxide and dab it and then the next day it would be a little smaller then it would be huge again. DUH!!! It was SO sad because she is such an awesome patient but this one really hurt her, she had to hold up her hand 6 times for Dr. Johnson to stop because it was hurting her. The tooth fairy gave her 5$ and even left the tooth for her to keep, she really is a pretty nice tooth fairy.
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Wow, What a hectic week....the girls had no school on Monday or Tues. so I thought what a great idea to go see Alvin and the chipmunks 2. Looked on the Internet to see the show times Sun. night or probably in the wee hours Monday morning and I could have sworn it said 11:45 so we all got ready, meet Robin and Hunter and it started at 11:15. Should have known that was the start of the week....we had a nice time anyway going to lunch at Red Robin and waiting for 1 and 1/2 hours for 3 kids meals and 2 side dinner salads with kids climbing all over me and children fighting about the table that was sliding all over the glossy, waxed floor. The kids loved the movie though and don't you just love it when people buy those 2 seats that are separating you from the family next to you and walk in late and squeeze in? HATE IT!!! Tuesday came and I worked from 9-9 with kids but our neighbor took Kennedy all day and they went sledding at Soldier Hollow and loved it! Thanks Leslie, I really am blessed to live in this neighborhood.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Happy New Year!
1-De-junk house (since we are busting out of it)
2-Organize my life (is this even a reasonable one?)
3- Finish Kennedy's new room.
4- Spend more quality time with family and friends.
5- Enjoy my life and the age of my kids (even when paisley has put everyone's toothbrushes in the toilet bowl.)
6- Lose 20 more pounds! ( Isn't this everyone's resolution?)
There it is!!! So now the plan to sticking to them.....still thinking about it....hope everyone is looking forward to a fabulous 2010!
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